Friday, 23 August 2013


  1. An otherwise unhelpful IMF paper on the volatility of capital flows contains some excellent data on capital inflows in and out of Greece.
  2. So the rise of the Far Right is down to recession/austerity? Sure, if you're a lazy journalist.
  3. Ditto for the rise of drugs in austerity Greece. Try North Korea's Crystal Meth craze on for size.
  4. The BAMS 'State of the Climate' report is set to be, for the next year at least, the world's definitive source of climate change data. Note how coverage of climate change is slowly dying out.
  5. A dissenting voice in the IMF - a new paper says that the Fund may not have underestimated fiscal multipliers after all - it may have overestimated potential output. The paper is about the wider topic of designing fiscal consolidation programmes, and is definitely worth reading as it could influence IMF policy going forward.
  6. Hidden in the European Commission's proposals for a European Public Prosecutor (pg. 18 here), some interesting data on the number of cases of possible misuse of EU funds referred to member states for investigation, and the states' track record of decisions:

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